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2002-06-04 - 8:48 p.m.

Holy beejeebus... it's hotter than hot out there. And, to think I thought that we would never need the 'hi cool' setting on our AC... just last week I was saying how much the 'lo cool' setting blasts as much cool air as we need in this place. Now the hi cool does no good... although, it's not bad now. And, I've just been dead tired all day. I came home last night and fell asleep on the couch until midnight... then, I went to bed and slept until 7:30... and went to workout. Halfway through my workout I realized why I was lacking sufficient energy for my usual hour and a half of ripping my muscles apart - I hadn't eaten since yesterday at lunch. That's what a 14 hour nap and heat will do for you. It's hard to remember to eat in this stuff. It's hard to remember at all.

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