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Goin' To The Chapel

2002-06-01 - 6:50 p.m.

Tim and Shelley are engaged! They told us last night at Christy's... that little bitch, Shelley kept it from me all week. What a whore.

Mick, of course, did not seem all that impressed. He walked in in the middle of them telling us and then, pretended like he didn't hear what was going on while we were all sitting there googly-eyed over Shelley's ring. He mumbled some sort of congratulations and proceeded to tell us a 25 minute story about "Male-Order-Bride Guy" who wants him to build this website for 50 bucks an hour and MOBG doesn't care that it might take 400 or so hours to do this, coming in at about 20 grand. So, yeah.. fuck you too, Mick. I kept interjecting questions about the engagement and the impending marriage just to piss Mick off.

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