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Sharon Woods

2002-05-29 - 7:49 p.m.

I just went to meet Shelley to workout at Sharon Woods. It was raining so, we went to Wendy's and ate. We sat and talked for two hours. We talked about how I will go on Oprah when she has Richard Simmons on and the whole show will start out with my letter to Oprah about all of the weight I've gained. And, then, it will open with me and Oprah crying and then, Richard will come out and surprise me and he'll introduce me to some wonder doctor from the Mayo Clinic and they'll send me away to the Mayo Clinic and then, they'll have a follow-up show about how I'm normal again and what I have is called, "dahequeemnntietriceuinbbbeciabn't" and they're so surpised they've never discovered it before and then, I'll be famous. So, I'm typing my letter to Oprah tomorrow.

After Wendy's, I went back to Sharon Woods and enjoyed the post-storm atmosphere surrounding the air, trees and water. Sharon Woods is the most kick ass park and it's even better when it's calm and quiet and wet and new and lush. I heard a bullfrog. I saw a duck and her four ducklings. I went to the dam and watched the water fall over the edge. I walked on the trails and felt safe. It was so nice. So, no... I didn't workout. But, I had a nice dinner, good conversation and a very healing after dinner walk.

before - after

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