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Convo with Shelley Belly

2002-05-27 - 7:08 p.m.

Draco: (6:22 PM) Koko,

I'm sure if you try really hard to understand, you can see his point of view. We both hate moving and there is not a garage for his big white car. We thought about it, but I'm afraid it isn't going to happen.

You make me smile.

Draco: (6:25 PM) Are you not talking to me anymore?

Mo-k: (6:25 PM) Fine, I will try hard to understand. But, just for you Shelley. Not for "moving for good" asshole Tim.

Draco: (6:26 PM) You're very kind for trying, Koko!

Are you excited about Friday night?

Mo-k: (6:27 PM) What is happening of Friday, you bitch?

Draco: (6:28 PM) We're all going out/meeting at Christy's since last night fell through--were you not informed by Monica?

Mo-k: (6:28 PM) I heard we are going out. Is that what I'm supposed to be excited about? I am not talking to Tim.

Mo-k: (6:28 PM) Yes, that bitch told me.

Draco: (6:29 PM) You don't have to talk to Tim.

Mo-k: (6:29 PM) Our workouts will be more exciting because Tim will not be there.

Draco: (6:29 PM) Are you angry?

Mo-k: (6:29 PM) I am VERY angry, Shelley. I am so mad.

Mo-k: (6:29 PM) I AM ANGRY MAD.

Draco: (6:29 PM) I detect some anger in your typing.

Mo-k: (6:29 PM) You are smart, Shelley.

Draco: (6:30 PM) You are making me laugh! I know it isn't funny, but your anger is striking me as funny.

Draco: (6:30 PM) You are smart, too!

Mo-k: (6:30 PM) Since you guys aren't going to move in because of asshole Tim, will you at least camp out in the alley so you will be our neighbors for one night?


Mo-k: (6:31 PM) It would be fun if you guys (ok... just you, Shelley) were our neighbors.

Draco: (6:31 PM) maybe we could have a sleepover and actually spend the night inside?

Draco: (6:32 PM) thank you--I'd enjoy your company too!

Mo-k: (6:32 PM) Oh.. yes, I guess you can sleep inside. BUT, NOT TIM. ASSHOLE.

Mo-k: (6:33 PM) His "white car" has to have a garage. how racist is that?!@?!?!

Draco: (6:33 PM) maybe we could have a sleepover after your cookout?

Mo-k: (6:33 PM) If he had a black car I'll be he wouldn't want a garage for it.

Mo-k: (6:33 PM) You can sleep over after our party.

Draco: (6:33 PM) now you're making me laugh out loud and I'm home alone!

Mo-k: (6:33 PM) My brother is comign.

Draco: (6:34 PM) I'll look forward to it!

Mo-k: (6:35 PM) My brother said he will be here and will spend the night. He can sleep on the couch and you can sleep in my bed. There will be no room for Tim... my stuffed animals have to have some place to sleep.

Mo-k: (6:35 PM) Tim can have the floor.

Mo-k: (6:35 PM) Maybe...

Mo-k: (6:36 PM) Maybe he can have the kitchen floor.

Mo-k: (6:36 PM) Or, the bathroom floor. yeah.. that would be better... because he wouldn't want to stay there forever anyway. I mean, wherever he goes, he has to stay there "for good".

Mo-k: (6:37 PM) And, then, we can pee on him.


Draco: (6:38 PM) You are really quite funny this evening! Did you have a wonderful weekend?

Mo-k: (6:38 PM) I did have a good weekend. How was your weekend in Columbus? Did Tim stay there "for good"?

Draco: (6:39 PM) We had fun! It was like being in Pleasantville--did you see that movie?

Mo-k: (6:41 PM) The people were black and white? Oh my god!

Draco: (6:42 PM) actually, it was the part of the movie when it turned into color.

Mo-k: (6:43 PM) Oh... I don't really remember that part. What happened?

Mo-k: (6:43 PM) Did you get married?

Draco: (6:44 PM) that's not really the was a perfect little place in the world, a little town of its own

Draco: (6:44 PM) no

Mo-k: (6:45 PM) Yay! Perfection is awesome. It would be PERFECT if you and Tim moved in next door but, I realize perfection cannot happen all the time in my life. Just 97% of the time. So, you had fun, fun, fun? That is good? Was Tim surprised?

Mo-k: (6:46 PM) Oh, I mean "that is good." period.

Draco: (6:46 PM) a fun time was had by all.

Mo-k: (6:47 PM) Good. Did you have sex?

Draco: (6:48 PM) I said we didn't get married.

Mo-k: (6:48 PM) Oh... I forgot. Sorry. No marriage = no sex. I understand. Did you kiss?

Draco: (6:49 PM) yes, but no tongue

Mo-k: (6:49 PM) Oh good. Tongue is gross especially from that asshole, Tim.

Mo-k: (6:50 PM) LIttle pecks are nice.

Mo-k: (6:50 PM) So, what did you do?

Mo-k: (6:50 PM) You can tell me tomorrow if you want to save it for a walking story.

Mo-k: (6:50 PM) I won't be mad...

Draco: (6:51 PM) walked around, ate, drank, shopped, danced, saw a show

Mo-k: (6:51 PM) Oh... there goes any conversation we could have had tomorrow. I guess we'll just walk around in silence.

Draco: (6:52 PM) i'm sure we can come up with something to talk about

Mo-k: (6:53 PM) Oh... I'm sure you're sure. But, what you don't realize is that there is nothing to talk about other than what you and Tim did this weekend and that has already been spoiled so, now there is nothing. You ruined it all. Go any further and you'll be sleeping on the bathroom floor as well....

Draco: (6:54 PM) I'm finished talking


Mo-k: (6:54 PM) Fine, Shelley.

Mo-k: (6:55 PM) So, I will see you tomorrow at 4? I will try to pretend I don't hate you.

Draco: (6:55 PM) I bet you have stories to tell

Mo-k: (6:55 PM) I don't have any stories.... well, maybe a few....

Mo-k: (6:55 PM) nothing big.

Draco: (6:55 PM) I'm sure you'll have to try hard, but you'll do it because you're just that good.

Mo-k: (6:55 PM) I didn't get married.

Mo-k: (6:56 PM) Sometimes I wish I could get married.

Mo-k: (6:56 PM) It would be fun to have a ceremony.

Mo-k: (6:56 PM) and a party.

Draco: (6:56 PM) you can

I'd come to it

Mo-k: (6:57 PM) yeah, maybe.

Mo-k: (6:57 PM) maybe we will do it someday....

Mo-k: (6:57 PM) Hmmm... so, you have school work to do so, I should let you go and we can talk, talk, talk tomorrow at 4. yes?

Mo-k: (6:58 PM) I won't make fun of asshole tim anymore....

Draco: (6:58 PM) I'll see you then.

Mo-k: (6:58 PM) i will just kill him.

Mo-k: (6:58 PM) okay. have a good day tomorrow. how many more days with the kids?

Mo-k: (6:59 PM) I'll bet they're getting antsy. Butterfly experiments won't work anymore probably, huh?

Draco: (7:00 PM) only nine! i'm so excited!

Mo-k: (7:01 PM) Yay! I thought it was less than that... Isn't your last day the 6th or 7th? or 5th?

Mo-k: (7:01 PM) I guess if you have nine days left with the kids then, it's at least the 7th.

Draco: (7:02 PM) the last day for kids is June 7th--teachers have to go on the 10th

Mo-k: (7:02 PM) fucking teachers....

Draco: (7:02 PM) you're very smart!

Mo-k: (7:02 PM) okay. well., i'll let you do your schoolwork. yes, I am a math genius. secretly though. don't tell anyone...

Mo-k: (7:03 PM) 5 X 56 = 280

Mo-k: (7:03 PM) did it in my head, yes i did...

Draco: (7:03 PM) good night math girl!

see you in the afternoon

Mo-k: (7:04 PM) okay. bye. see you tomorrow!!!!!

Draco: (7:04 PM) bye

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