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DRunky walk

2002-05-27 - 8:02 p.m.

I just went for a drunk walk. I filled my water bottle with beer and walked. I walked down to Skyline (not as far as i wanted to oakley square). Them, I turned aroudn and went throught the parking lot of St. Ceclila's church. i saw mary and three kids praying to her. Sometimes, I really wisgh I could be catholic. but, I really can't wait for St. Cecila fest... I'm not sure when that happens - June? August? i dont' think it happens in July. So, anyway, then I walked to the bridge and crossed over Madison and wondered what it would be like to jump. Then, I went back by Master Recycling and walked by the old locomotive and wondered what it would be like to live in there. Then, I picked up the shit, I can't even remember what it was for cart and pulled it into our apartment. I think I scared the french kids and theire nanny or whoever she was. Iw as just dragging this cart into our apartment place. I probably looked liek a drunk. I was. Did i tell you I had beer in my water bottle? Instead of water. .like a workout. But, with beer. It was fun. Ithkn I've had like five bers now. And, half a bottle of wine. i can't stop hiccupign. I hate it. I'm trying to drink more beer to make it stop. Booie should b ehome at 9:15. Yay! Then, we can eat the yummy meal I prepared in the crockpoot. Chicken. Onions. garlic. artichokes. rice. basil and cream of mushroom soup. shiu t- I cannot stop hiccuping. damnit. MAKE IT STOP!

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