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Drunky Wunky

2002-05-27 - 6:01 p.m.

I'm pretty schm.eashed right now. Not entirely... I think I can still spell and type. But, I'm smashed enough to agree with people (potatoelf - i like potatoelf and her goings on about leaving college) about lip smacking. It's fuckign rude and it can interrupt a perfectly good meal.

And, I'm smashed enought to want to watch Ordinary People. something I must put on my most favorite movies list. IT's one of those movies that you completely forget about until you remember and then, you remember that it's fucking brilliant and you think, "why didn't I put that on my list?" oh - because I was listing a whole bunch of other movies that i had seen recentlya nd i hadn't seen ordinary people recently so, Id idn't put it ont here. So, I'm putting it on my list. It fuckign rocks. It's so... ordinary. haha. yeah... fucking dumb. It's just one of the most brilliantest movies I've ever seen. Timothy Hutton rocks. And, of course there's Mary Tyler.. won't tell you her last name. Figure it out yourselves, fuckos!

Now, I just want to go sit in my window. Oh, how I wish I had a cigarette. I can't believe I"m saying that. Cigarettes would be good right now. Just two of them. Maybe even 1.5... yum. I will try to find some. Or, I may just break down and go buy at pack across the street at UDF. It rocks to be within walking distance of UDF. And the library and the Tanning Hut and CVS if we need it. You can also drive there. I shouldn't drive righ tnow though. Because my car is in a good spot and i have to work at 5:45 tomorrow morning and if I move my car then, I will have to walk further and risk getting raped/mugged/killed. So, I'll just leave Jupiter where he is. Bye!

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