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2002-05-04 - 6:13 p.m.

I just had one of the best workouts in a long time... and, it involved running for 20 minutes. So, I think I'm on my way to getting on that kick again... we'll see. But, with the sun outside and warmer days just around the corner, all I need is a new pair of kicks and to find my water bottle and I'm back in business. I love the feeling of running outside in the summer - even when it's so fucking hot and humid you think you'll die from taking in your next breath. Plus, the marathon's tomorrow ( and that doesn't make me feel good... missing another one. I've only run two. So, perhaps I'll try getting back into it... run a few 5Ks... bump it up to a few 10Ks and see where I am come November/December. Perhaps I'll do another one yet. And, maybe I'll shed some pounds in the process.

Speaking of pounds... endo woman told me that since nothing much had changed while on glucophage that there was nothing else she could do for me. Well, whoopdee doo... that's the story of all of my doctor's visits in the last year and eight months. I just love it. "Are you sure you're exercising properly? What about food? Do you eat too much? This is what a portion looks like. Don't overdo it.", are just a few of the answers I've received after telling 'them' that I've gained 60 pounds, stopped having periods and can sometimes barely keep my eyes open to save my life. Yep. It's all under my control - bullshit. I wish. If that were the case, good ol' doc, I wouldn't be sitting in this chair praying you'll find some miracle disease that lurks inside me. Yep.. you got it. I'd just love to have a DIAGNOSIS. Nothing more. Just wanna know what the hell's going on. I don't care if it's life threatening or not. I JUST WANNA KNOW. So, I'm kind of stuck now. At least I haven't gained any more weight.. in fact, I've lost six pounds which is good I guess. I know I said I lost twenty before... but, the gym scale must be off from the doctor's scale by oh, 14 pounds... the weight of two (or three) newborns... not a big fucking deal. At least I'm learning to live with my big self. It could be worse, I suppose.

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