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2002-05-01 - 3:19 p.m.

Five years ago tomorrow was when I said goodbye. And, then I graduated on Sunday... taking my last run that morning, eating my last bite of collegiate Bagel and Deli -- I've had plenty since but, it's just not the same. Thank god for Mary telling me about Earth bagels when I first arrived. I wonder where everyone from that time is now... Emily, Mary, Kris, Kendie - damn.. where the FUCK is Kendie, Alex - where the FUCK is Alex too, Kelly, Keri, Shannon, Crazy Betsy, Christina, all of those people, there are even a few I forget. I don't think I'll ever forget Kendie or Alex or Peigh though. I hope to see Peigh soon. We may even go back and try to feel like we're 18 again even though our lives have turned into nothing but real life and not the imaginary bubble stuff we had at Miami. I mean, who the hell carries a schload of carpet on their shoulders through the middle of town in the real world? It just doesn't happen. You rent a truck. I'm tired of renting trucks sometimes.

So, yes... five years ago tomorrow was goodbye. I think I'll celebrate by donating blood.

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