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Slumbering Away On A Rainy Saturday

2002-04-27 - 6:44 p.m.

I think I perfected the art of wasting the day away today. Not that I'm bummed about it... I'm perfectly content. The only productive things I did was tape a movie off of HBO On Demand and make a grocery list. I think I'll use that grocery list tonight at Kroger (parental unit response to e-mail = positive) so, that will make me have done three productive things today. What fun! I spent the rest of the day online or on the couch zipping in and out of slumber. And, I ate a big bowl of pasta. Again, what fun! Tomorrow it is back to work... but, we will be attending our first OBB Sunday in the evening so, that will make up for that shitty interruption. Also, we'll be graced with the television presence of Six Feet Under and The BOB. What more could we ask for?

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