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Love, Mitty B.

2002-04-26 - 2:13 p.m.

Dear Parents,

First of all, this is not going to be a very fun e-mail for me to write because I don't want you guys to be dissapointed in me. I don't feel like a very decent person right now with working at Home Depot and all of that stuff and it makes me feel even worse knowing that I am to the point of having to ask for some more money. I have been desperately waiting for the $75 bonus that I got for being cashier of the month in February. It wasn't on my last check and they told me it would be on the one I got today - it wasn't. So, now I am $93 dollars in the hole instead of just $18 in the hole. I am hoping that you guys might be able to loan me this money if I am able to pay you $50 on Friday, May 10th (when I get paid again). And, then, as I said before, begin paying you $100-$200 at a time beginning in June. If you have more than $93 you can loan me (like maybe $150), it would be greatly appreciated as I have been living on pasta and pancake mix for two months now and it would just be nice to be able to go to the store and buy some food. The $93 will cover all of my bills due between now and May 10th but, it will not buy any food. I do have some more canned goods and pancake mix I can eat if you can only give me $93. If you can't loan me any money, that is fine too. I hate money. I will be out of this mess soon. I know that for a fact. I just have to get to May 10th and I'll finally have a little bit of money and then, I'll have more than enough starting in June/July.

I am sorry. I know this is not what you asked for.. having a daughter that you put through college who is now letting her degree go to waste by working at Home Depot as a cashier. I look for jobs every day. This is not an exaggeration. I look at my bank account online, my hotmail account online, read the news online, go to to find a job and search the Cincinnati Enquirer jobs online every day. I don't know what to do anymore. I am hoping all of this will end soon... all I can do is wait.

If you're leary about giving me the money because you think I might be buying drugs or alcohol with it, then you can pay the people I need to pay (my landlords) and send me groceries or come down and visit and take me grocery shopping, But, I will not be spending it on anything except bills and groceries (the only bill I owe is rent on May 1st).

I hope this is not a confusing e-mail. And, I hope you're not too disappointed in me. I wouldn't like that.

In other news, I asked for June 29th through July 4th off for our vacation (I can have Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday off for my "off" days and then Wednesday and Thursday will be covered by the 16 hours of sick time I'll have saved up by then - we can use our sick time for anything). So, if we go anywhere, I'll be able to stay until Thursday. So, maybe it would be okay to go somewhere further away than 4 or 5 hours... although, that would still be nice.

Okay. I think that is all. I hated writing this e-mail. I hope you guys are doing fine. I will talk to you later and see you guys on Sunday, May 12th.

Love, Mitty B.

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