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It's funny... the things you find on your lunch break...

2002-04-19 - 12:15 p.m.

I just saw Jesus driving down the street. At least the decorative plate on the navy blue Cadillac said it was him... ah, the things you'll see on your lunch break.

I can't believe how tired I am. I think it's this heat. And, the fact that we've had no coverage at all at work this week leaving us to pick up all the pieces... I've already got a few hours of overtime. And, I get to keep it (even better). I really don't have a day off though until next Friday. Sure, I have Sunday off... but, that will mean getting up at 7:30 to be in Miamisburg by 9:30 so I can rummage through my parents' pictures and recipes. Then, we're off to BG around 11... the trip will include Vomit's induction into the freshman nerd society at 2 and a birthday dinner for my mom (in the lovely town of Bowling Green, Ohio) following that. Then, we're piling back into the car for the trip back to the 'burg. I figure we'll get back there around 9 or 10 at least... leaving my arrival time in Cinci at 10 or 11. And, i have to get up at 4:30 on Monday for work. And, I'll have to do the same Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So, I really can't wait until next Friday. Of course, that is when I meet with bankruptcy man so, the stress won't end until next Saturday. And, I swear... I'm SLEEPING IN! We'll see if my body actually lets me do it...

before - after

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