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Summer fun spreadsheet

2002-04-15 - 4:38 p.m.

It's an awesome day outside. I just finished my workout and am hoping that, when Booie gets home from work we can go for a walk. Two workouts in one day = summer! Yay! So, while I was working out, I was thinking of all the things i want to do this summer and how, I didn't do them last summer and THIS summer, by golly, I'm going to do them all. I'm even going to be a complete nerd and make a spreadsheet with all factors included (cost, accessiblity, a.c/outdoors, etc.) You just wait, you mo fos... if you want, I'll send you a copy via e-mail for free. Perhaps I can have people all over the country following my summer guidelines.

Anyway, I came home to a wonderful envelope from my insurance company. Apparently, I chose an oral surgeon not listed in our fucking provider directory (even though the dental insurance I chose was the best one with any option available b/c I'm well aware I'm not going to be one of those two-cleanings-per-year-and-that's-it type of person). So, I owe the guy $900... something else to tack onto my wonderful list of bankruptcy items. I cannot wait until this is all over and done with. Then, I can enjoy my life.

Off to work on my summer fun nerd spreadsheet. Bye!

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