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Shelley's Divorce From Her Little People

2002-04-19 - 6:37 p.m.

Wow. Turns out this whole "having a job" thing is something that's hard to come by these days. Two decent people I know just got fired/laid off. One works with me and I don't know jack shit about him except he's a decent guy and one of the few associates who would return pages when we needed help. He's gone now. It seems they're hacking people right and left there but, he was one of the good ones.

The other person is Shelley. My beautiful, fun-loving Shelley. They laid her off today. I'm struggling with how that works in the teacher world. How do they expect you and your kids to deal with the fact that *BAM!*, you suddenly don't work there anymore? And, what about her classroom? And, all of that stuff in there that is hers? Not just stuff she bought with the school's money to use in her room... but, shit that is HERS. Did they let her keep it? How bare are her walls now? What do they tell the children? It's worse than a damn divorce. And, she was just talking about her kids last week and how Booie and I had to come in for show and tell. I guess I really just don't understand how it works when you're attached to little hearts and brains like that... real people not just stupid-ass co-workers who will forget about you in two days because they have problems of their own. This shit scars kids and makes them grow up to be serial killers and terrorists. Hmmmm... and for a second there I thought it might be fun to go back and get my teaching degree and try to change/save one or two lives. Forget it. How upsetting...

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