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Shelley, Vomit and Scrubs

2002-04-22 - 7:33 p.m.

So, Shelley's deal isn't as bad as I thought... but, it still sucks. Apparently, enrollment in Blue Ash for NEXT YEAR isn't as high as expected so, Shelley goes bye bye. She has yet to talk to her principal so, she's still not sure if it's a final thing or not. Either way, she has money through the end of August. I thought for sure I'd have to start budgeting some Shelley money into my weekly expenses. We both just went to workout together - for the first time in a few months - and then ate at Chipotle. What fun. We talked about great stuff like her fucked up sister in law, marriage, babies, huge rings, money and going back to school.

I saw Vomit yesterday at BG. He is doing okay although his roommates/corridor mates are assholes. I just hope he gets into a good situation next year. Laura went with us. She is fucking hilarious. I hope they get married someday. When she is about 8 years older and out of college. I really like Vomit - he is going to come to our June 15th party and will probably come down to visit before that. He will be 1/4 of the way done with college in 3 weeks. To be back in that spot of my life would be wonderful... I just wish it were half as wonderful for him. Although, I don't think he hates it.

My mom talked to me this weekend about going into the "medical profession" - I won't lie... I have thought about it. And, not just a fleeting thought... but, since I was about 12. And, not constantly... I think I always tried to shy away from it because my mom is a nurse. But, I remember telling my mom when I was 12 that I would love to "work with" young kids (7 & 8 year olds) who are terminally ill and know they're going to die... I just remember her saying, "YOu don't want to do that... that's too depressing." and I believed it... but, I think it's true that I really do want to do that. I would love to help a kid have the best last few months/weeks/days of their lives... all while in the confines of a hospital. Sure, it would suck and I'd attend a lot of funerals. And, i don't really know how I'd deal with the parents. But, I would kick ass with the kids. We would have so much fun. And have some serious talks about dying and living and all of that fun stuff. And, we'd just live. And, it would be good. So, yes... I'm going to look into that. I would like to wear scrubs too.

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