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Sleeping in.

2002-03-24 - 4:36 p.m.

I slept until 10:30 today...

Went and saw Christy's new house (or what could be her new house). It's fucking huge. There is a full bar in the basement. Someone could live in the basement and not even come in contact with Christy upstairs. There are three decks. She should totally move in so I can entertain there.

I think I'm going to try to workout now - first time without teeth. And then, I'll do some laundry while the Oscars are on. Should be a low-key evening. Especially since I have to work at 5:45 tomorrow morning. I need a new job. Christy can afford a 400K home... sometimes I seem to barely be able to pay my measly $262.50 rent. I need a new job.

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