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Number 50

2002-03-22 - 11:58 a.m.

Wow. I've done 50 of these things now. And to think I thought I might have a hard time keeping up.

So, I'm feeling much better - I actually ate some teddy grahams last night and chewed them with my back teeth instead of smushing them with my tongue and swallowing as I've been doing with all of my other food for the past week. And, today's my first day without pain killers - although, I do miss the excuse of not being altogether there or too into things - "Uh yeah... well, I'm on painkillers and you can't really expect me to perform like a normal human being right now."

Booie and I are going to happy hour with Tony and Nikki tonight - should be fun. I work tomorrow and then OFF on Sunday - I can't wait to sleep in. Lately though, sleeping in has meant 9 a.m.


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