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I don't have wisdom teeth anymore.

2002-03-16 - 9:49 a.m.

I am wisdom toothless now. It was not as bad as I thought. And the drugs are fun. Although, I think I must clarify something when I go for my checkup on Wednesday. Just after they started the I.V. to knock me out, I was chatting away with the dentist:

Me: "So, how many times a week to you pull wisdom teeth?"

Dentist: "Oh, about 80 times or so. It's a very simple..."

Me: OUT.

So, I thought about that later. 80 times is a lot. And, if it takes about an hour and a half to do one person, that's 120 hours a week. I'd say I have one very overworked dentist.

I'm hungry. But, I have plenty of jello, pudding, popsicles and sherbet to overcome that sensation. Yay!

It's so nice to have an excuse to lounge on the couch all weekend and watch movies... all while happy drugs are floating through my body. I've got some Lorcet right now, some Percocet the dentist prescribed yesterday because he thought I might be in even more pain (hard time with the upper left tooth and damn, does it hurt!) and some Vicodin for when it's not so painful anymore. All in all, I could probably get a grand on the street for all my drugs. It's more fun to take them though. And, not get arrested.

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