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Work. Teeth. Rape. Neighbors.

2002-03-12 - 4:12 p.m.

Some people at work are just mindless whores who can't even put in a decent day's work without fucking something up.

I can't wait to have an excuse to do nothing this weekend - although it will be kind of shitty to not be able to eat. And, not really be able to drink alcohol... but, I think I'll try it. Lots of people mix painkillers with alcohol and they're just fine... in fact, I may just buy myself a fifth of Beam on Thursday night as a get-well-soon gift to myself. Can't hurt to sip a little of that all weekend.... it'll probably help my wounds heal faster. And, it will make all the movies I watch while lying on my couch that much more adventuresome.

I just figured out how much money I won't have until May. It's very depressing. I'll have like $50 left over after each paycheck - that is for food, gas and booze. Yay! BUT - at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel. In May, I'll be good to go... and, I'll have plenty of time to prep for our big-ass party on June 15th. I haven't told Booie yet, but we're having a party on June 15th - I just got the weekend off work. It will be six years to the day - it was a Saturday and everything when I became a statistic six years ago. So, I'm celebrating with all of my friends... and secretly damning all of those who failed to believe me after I finally summoned the courage to tell them about it. Fuck them all. All one of them. What a fucking bitch she is... Rot in hell...

Naked shower, broken window neighbor girl and her boyfriend were arrested a few nights ago. They don't live next to me anymore.

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