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Sicky drugs

2002-03-16 - 6:26 p.m.

I am way drugged right now. Why are there 10-10-220 commercials with Alf in them? Do kids nowadays even know who the fuck Alf is/was? Shit - I used to slit my wrists every Monday night at 8 when Alf was on.

Also, what's up with McDonald's? Why is it so great? It's just a bunch of greasy burgers and fries served to us by some clown.

God, I feel sick. The drugs are good but, I don't think I have enough real food in me. What can I eat? I have nothing here that is appealing. What i really want is a burrito from LaSalsa... wonder if I could eat it. Not bite into it... just cut it up and eat it. I bet I could. It's my goal to get there before it closes and get one.

The tv is bothering me. Must turn it off. Must lay down. Feel sick. Bye.

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