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Alzheimers won't erase my grandma!

2002-03-10 - 10:01 a.m.

Went home for birthday dinner with the fam last night. It was fun. We went out and Debbie, Steve, Jenny, Sarah and Grandma were also there - we were mainly celebrating Grandma's birthday. And she was good last night. She knew what we were all talking about. She wasn't confused about much. She didn't repeat a thing. She got involved in converstations. She asked questions. And she laughed. It was great... I hope she's the same when I see her again at Easter.

I love driving 75 south through Dayton. There are so many memories on that strip between downtown and Miamisburg. Two things I always think of: 1) Angie Bell's mom, dead on that cold December morning because her husband killed her. I guess she was left on the levy of the river... not exactly sure where. But, I've always imagined it's a spot behind the McDonald's and what used to be (or perhaps still is) the LaQuinta hotel or something like that. 2) Riding the bus back from U.D. each year from WGI. The year I most remember though is 91 when we first won the gold - I don't think I talked to anyone the whole ride back because I just wanted to remember that moment. And I do.

Okay. Bye.

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