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My grandma's card

2002-03-06 - 7:25 p.m.

I got a birthday card from my grandma today. My mom told me she would send me one b/c she called my mom on Monday and asked for my address. I guess it's good she remembered I have a new address... unless she just lost the old one. I'm going to try to think it was the former. She sent a nice check too that will pay some bills and renew my plates - yay! But, I started crying about 2.9 seconds after I opened it because I realized it might be the last card I ever get from her in the mail. I don't want her to die. I love her a lot. I wish I had more time and courage to go up there and hang out with her. I'm just so afraid - what do I say to her? I don't know why I'm afraid... but, she's not the easiest person to have a conversation with. I remember the last time my mom and I went to lunch with her. My mom and I basically talked to each other and my grandma just sat there. I think she tried to get into the conversation a few times but, I think, after a while, she just got lost. She's just not the same and I hate it.

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