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Me and my birthday suit

2002-03-04 - 1:10 p.m.

So, it's my birthday. A whopping 27 years old. Yay! Booie left a note lying next to me in bed this morning. It said, "Happy Birthday Koko! You're an old bat now!" Gotta love the Booie. So, I woke up, snuck through the spare bedroom and into the hallway and emerged into the living room flapping my arms, trying to be a bat. Booie just looked at me and said, "You should be hanging upside down, not flapping your arms."

So, then I lounged on the couch, ate a PB & J and am now getting dressed for work. Birthdays aren't as fun once you get older. I thought about making cupcakes to take into work... but, I didn't. So, I'll have to wait until next year now.

On Saturday, we ate at Bangkok Bistro for my birthday and then went to a party at Lammers house. It was really fun. I haven't been that drunk in a long time. I guess I called Force on her cell six times and left messages. In one I told her I was pretending the party was for my birthday. Sounds good to me.

The other fun thing that happened to me today was when I saw the girl next door showering. You'd think that if you've got a floor to ceiling window in your bathtub, you'd get some curtains or a blind. Happy Birthday to me...

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