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2002-03-02 - 5:10 a.m.

Random thoughts at 5 a.m.:

1. Why didn't my body fall asleep until 2:30 a.m. when it KNEW it had to get up at 4:45 today for work. Fucker.

2. Too bad I can't tell her I liked her entry from 2.26 (the 1st one)... because I really don't know her. That would be creepy. But, I've been reading her diary for months. That is creepy.

3. Betty from work is crazy.

4. How come it's already 5:17? It was just 5:10.

5. I hope I don't get raped on the way out to my car. I wish I had parked a bit closer. Yes, it still haunts me.

6. Water is good. Coffee would be much better. But, who has time for coffee?

7. Some people are just now going to bed. Fuckers. Oh well. When they're just getting up later today, I'll have worked 8 hours and will be going back to bed for a nice 3-4 hour nap.

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