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2002-03-01 - 2:26 p.m.

1. Start paying the 'rents back in April.

2. Save money.

3. Get that damn tatoo.

4. Work on arms in March. Continue with 45 minutes of cardio each day. Start stretching more in April.

5. Research going back to school next fall. Personal training for old people? Something medical? Figure it out.

6. Volunteer at the senior citizen center nearby... have fun and learn some things.

7. Hang out with Vomit when he's home for the summer. Damn him for only being 20.

8. Go on two or three "vacations" this summer. 1 = Hueston Woods. 2 = possibly the Brickyard with Booie? Must research this.

9. Update my status of reaching these goals monthly.

10. Continue looking for a new job.

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