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Beautiful Mind

2002-02-28 - 10:12 p.m.

So, I saw A Beautiful Mind. What an awesome film. I implore you to go out and see it, now! Don't wait. Just see it. It rocks. No wonder it was nominated for eight Oscars. Jennifer Connelly is beautiful and Russell Crowe is brilliant. I've seen them both in other films. I've always liked Jennifer... never thought much of Russell. No, not even in Gladiator. I mean, he was good in Gladiator... but, he's four-hundred times better in this film. And, I can't even describe it really. Brilliant and beautiful is the only way I can describe every aspect of this film.

Then, I went to Kroger and had a surreal experience at the checkout. Can't explain that either.

Now, I'm here without my Booie (in Philly doing A-10 Tourney), watching ER, drinking beer and eating asparagus (yum! AND on sale!).

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