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Reunions and Apples

2002-02-25 - 10:07 a.m.

I had dreams last night of my ten year high school reunion. It was scary. Not that I'm even going to go to that thing. But, for some reason, in my dream, I really wanted to be there. And, there were only a few people there I recognized - one of which I wouldn't speak to anymore if my life depended on it. And Emily Darst. Emily fucking Darst. She had a baby and she wasn't married to Mike Flickinger. She looked exactly the same. And, of course, during my dream there is some reference to guard. So, in comes Lynsey even though she graduated two years after me. And, we start twirling our rifles. And, i keep dropping. Doubles. I was dropping doubles. And, I overspun all of my triples and most of them almost hit me in the face. So, now I must see if I can still twirl - I know I can. Just have to prove it since my dream said I couldn't. Good thing we have high ceilings. I could probably get away with a quad or two in here.

Yesterday, Booie and I went to Kroger to buy apples, gum and ice cream sundae stuff. So, we're in the produce section and Booie says, "Hi Apples." when we get to the apples. And, I just stared at them... there were so many of them. And, I thought about all of the people they could feed. And, then I just looked around and so many people were just scooting their carts around, picking out what they wanted, discarding what was bruised and going on with life. And, it just made me shudder. We're fucking spoiled. I didn't even flinch at my $15 gum and ice cream bill. Spoiled I tell ya... spoiled.

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