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Sick at home with Pa and Half-Pint

2002-02-21 - 11:34 a.m.

Home sick today. Not as sick as I was yesterday when I WAS at work... but, I still decided it would be best to just rest and watch tv all day. Too bad I can't get our HBO On Demand to work. So, I'm just watching Little House on the Prairie now. Albert is gonna get his ass kicked for trying to hide on the train to go see this girl he's been writing letters to... he's been telling this chick that he's 6' 1" and he's going to be a doctor and he's all of these wonderful things... and she's been telling him shit like she's the captain of the basketball team and crap like that even though she's in a wheelchair. So, it's about to get really good.... shit is gonna fly.

The Bianca show is on in an hour and a half. Gotta get caught up on that. Try to find out just how long Vanessa can keep up her Proteus crap... and is Maggie really Frankie? I don't think Frankie is really dead. We'll see.

Off to blow my nose and find some soup. Bye.

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