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Bankruptcy and Ghosts

2002-02-19 - 8:50 p.m.

Saw bankruptcy man. The car is not even an issue... so, in a few weeks I'm meeting with him again to get all of my papers in order. And, then, after chucking over $895 and waiting 60-90 days, I'll be debt free forever. I'm so excited. The cloud has been lifted. I can breathe again. I can not worry about bills. I can sleep at night. It's not detrimental if I don't get a job that pays at least $40,000/year to pay off all of my cards. I am free. And it's the best feeling ever. My wallet is empty of plastic and I'm excited to pay cash for everything until I die. I love it.

Other than that, I'm feeling sick. Not sure if it's allergies or what... I thought it was. Scratchy throat, etc. Now, I just feel weird and my tummy hurts. So, I'm drinking.

I also think we have a ghost. I think he likes books b/c a book was moved and neither Booie or I did it. And, apparently, the guy who lived here before us lost a bunch of money once. He found it in a book and said he would never put money in a book. I'm trying not to be afraid of him. I don't think he'll hurt us... we're calling him Clyde. So, now we have Curtis (basil plant), Cornelius (ficus who LOVES his new spot in the hallway) and Clyde. We'll see.

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