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Getting Vomit

2002-02-15 - 12:48 p.m.

This place is loud. Last night, I thought someone was messing around with something in the little alley by our house. No such luck... it was a truck about half a block away. I need to get those earplugs from Vomit today. I'm going up to BG to pick him up so my parents can have a break from driving up there. So, 2.5 hours in the car alone = fun. Booie's in D.C. right now for the radio gig... I'll have to remember to listen tonight. Other than that, just going to try to clean up this place a little more tonight - unpack a few more boxes, vacuum, etc. THat way, it will be spic and span when Booie comes home tomorrow... perhaps we can cook an awesome dinner (finally) and drink yummy wine on our clean carpet. Yay!

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