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People are gone.

2002-02-08 - 12:40 p.m.

Been having those comfortable, crazy dreams again.. the ones where I wake up and think, "Wow... I wish I could go back to that time in my life but, I couldn't find the person(s) I was looking for in my dream or I could never reach them so, should I go back, would they even be there? Or worse, if they were there, would they be the same? Would we be the same?" So, I'd rather just learn to live with my present life (awake and sleeping) and find more ways to be comfortable here. And, think often of the times I was comfortable then... and the people I was around. I know they're still alive. And, I'm sure they think of me too... but, they don't know me now. So, we wouldn't mesh anymore.

It sucks how people only fit into your life for a segment or two... and then, you're done with them.. and they're done with you. It's not as if you hate each other... there is just no more melding going on. It's just metal thrashing against metal and it makes no sense. But, it's good to have had it in the first place, isn't it? Rather than live life without it? But, how could you know?

Putting together the new house today. I've done a bookshelf and am now cleaning the main bedroom. I've put most of our clothes away. Still have the kitchen and the hallway and a whole bunch of other stuff. Good thing I have all day. However, I would like to go workout later today. The gym is open until 10. Must go. And then, I get to drink wine alone b/c Booie will be in Dayton doing a game. :( Too bad I can't get it on the radio in our new place. At Booie's old place, I could get it, but just barely. No luck here. :( I think I'll get Bangkoko Bistro too! Yummy.

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