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I hate my teeth

2002-02-13 - 4:12 p.m.

The tooth pain is back... it's so bad, I took two vicodins this morning and they didn't really work. I just got all fucked up and was still in pain. So, I left work b/c I really didn't know what the fuck I was doing and that's not good when you're dealing with piss-ass customers and money. I just want to rip the right side of my face off and forget about it all for a while. The dentist told me it would be best to have that back tooth removed and THEN take all of my wisdom teeth out too. Should be a fun time. Five teeth gone. I SOOOOO wish I had had my wisdom teeth taken out in high school like everyone else... but, I never did do anything anyone else did so, why should I have done that? Just wish my parents could foot the bill and not me. Fucking teeth. Speaking of bills... going to go talk to "bankruptcy man" next Tuesday. Hopefully, my car won't be an issue... don't see how they can make me give it up when I'm pretty much leasing it. So, we'll see. But, I hope to get out of this financial mess... I'll be fine once I get rid of all the credit card bills. And, then, I'll actually be able to afford life. And, the bankruptcy thing will be off my "record" by the time I'm 34... I'll still be a spring chicken... not too late in life that it will haunt me forever. So, I hope that works out okay. Off to eat some soup.

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