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2002-02-04 - 3:42 p.m.

So, we moved... and, we're not doing it again until cows walk on water... or orange juice. Either one. Saturday could have been more of a nightmare... if I had a shitty attitude. U-haul guy called at 8:30 and said, "Where are you? We're expecting you to pick up your truck at 7 so you can have it back by noon?"... UH, NO. How about 10 - 5? So, we got through that mess... thank god or I don't know what we would've done. Then, Force didn't show b/c she was sick. THankfully, Shelley and Tim showed at 10:45. Nikki and Tony weren't there yet so, I called Nikki's cell... she was running late and Tony was at work - until 3. So, Tim and Booie hauled all of the big stuff while Nikki, Shelley and I did the small stuff. It was good but, way too many fucking trips up those stairs! I am so sore... about as sore as I get when I run marathons. It's crazy. So, then... we left what we thought were a few things in Booie's apartment. So, we went back there on Sunday at 8 a.m.. I thought it would take about 2 hours to clean... no such luck. We had to leave at 12:30 so Booie could go to work and we went back last night around 10:30 and left at 12:30 a.m. But, everything is here now... save for a few boxes in the car. There is so much to do... but, I'm so excited to just get it done.

We got our new cable.. it fucking rocks. And, somehow... the spacebar on this keyboard works again... no more hitting the backspace bar to make a space... somehow, I'm getting used to it again. Still wanting to hit with my left thumb though. Bye.

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