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2002-01-26 - 10:16 p.m.

Shit. This place is a mess. And, to think... we're moving most of that mess into our new home. Whatever. It's good though. Cleaning things out once here and then, once again there... as I Orbanize things. It will be good. I just wish it were over. But, it will be fun... moving. How often do you get to do that? Listening to Moby Play track 14. I have no idea what it's called even though i love that song to death and have listened to it four hundred billion times (not tonight... just in general). I can't wait until my lunch break on Monday... going to get the keys then. I already have stuff in my trunk to move into the place. Practical shit like toilet paper, soap, etc. We bought a plant.. .well, really he's a tree. I used to hate plants. But, now I'm liking them. Ours is named Cornelius. He's a tiny little tree and he's watching me right now write fun things about him. He had a tiny grasshopper in his dirt last night but, I don't know where that thing went today. I hope he finds his way back before we move Cornelius to our new home on Monday. I also bought a Basil plant... hopefully, it will grow and we can have fantastic basil all the time. I just wish we were there and i had everything done that I wanted to get done. I suppose it will happen... knowing me, everything will be in its place this time next week.... or at least by Sunday night.

before - after

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