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2002-01-19 - 2:45 p.m.

I've already run so many errands today, it's awesome. It snowed overnight and when I went out to warm up Booie's car at 7:45, it was so quiet and peaceful and white. I love it when it's like that.

There was a funeral going on at the church across the street from my tanning place. When I got done tanning, they were carrying the body out. It was so sad. I just sat in my car and watched and cried. I figured out it must have been an older man b/c his supposed widow was standing by the door and talking to everyone and hugging them. And, there were lots of cute, old people there. And, I thought, "I wonder if they got married in that church and 50, 60 years ago, this woman was standing on the same steps, greeting people, hugging them... and, now here she is saying goodbye to the love of her life."

Well, off to pack up Booie's portion of the move. I'm so excited! 9 days and we'll have the keys!!!!!!!!!

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