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Shopping Cart Man

2002-01-18 - 1:19 p.m.

Date: 1/18/02

Time: 12:40 p.m.

Scene: Right inside the door of the store

Man: "Are you going to get a cart for me?"

Me: "Sir, there are carts right outside the door there."

Man: "So, I have to walk all the way back outside to get a cart?"

Me: "Sir, they're right outside the door there." (as I point to the carts within sight)

Man: "Well, they're usually in there (pointing to where the carts usually are inside)."

Me: "Well, we have merchandise there now. So, they're not there. They're right outside the door."

Man: "Why do I have to walk all the way back out there to get a cart?"

Me: "Sir. Instead of turning right and taking ten steps to get a cart, you'll just need to turn left and take ten steps to get a cart."

Man: "Well, am I going to get a discount for having to go all the way back outside to get a cart?"

Me: "Sir. They're right outside the door there."

Man: "Well, I know where they are. I want to know if I'm going to get a discount because I have to go back outside to get my own cart."

Me: "I'll get a cart for you sir."

Lame-ass, lazy customers.

This was right after a guy threatened me b/c I had to return his shingles before he could get new ones. Cops showed up and everything. It was fun.

Still no word from the PAS position. Tired of them jerking me around anyway. So, Force says there's a marketing/pr position open I can probably get... will try for that. And, continue sinking more and more into debt. Oh well, it's just money, right?

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