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Beer... need... beer.

2002-01-15 - 5:16 p.m.

What a hell of a day. I hate my job on days like this. Hopefully, I'll get that other one soon. Should hear by the end of this week they said.

Karla got fired. Force told me. Guess she heard from Joanne at 48... don't ask me how Joanne knew. But, we called Carswell and she had the whole scoop. Apparently, it happened two weeks ago. Funny how my family and I always seem to find out what Karla is or isn't doing through friends of my friends or kookey things like that. Shows just how much she must hate our family now... or else, she's just so ashamed to talk to us. I hear she's drinking again too. Well, guess that makes two of us... 'cause I sure as hell can't wait for trivia tonight at the Dubliner to get my whack on with a few brews.

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