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Tortilla eater

2002-01-14 - 12:54 p.m.

It must almost be time for my period b/c all I've done is eat all day. Yum. I seriously doubt I'll actually have one of those though since they've become almost non-existent in my life.

Hoping to go workout after the Bianca show at one and then, I'm packing up Booie's apartment. Two weeks from today and we get the keys! I hope to God I'm in a better financial situation then. If those fuckers would call me today, I could start on the 28th... lots of fun stuff could happen that day. But, instead I think they're going to fuck around and hire someone else. I just don't get it. Booie was on the radio again yesterday. It was much better this time... as opposed to the game on Friday.

Some fucker at work yesterday asked me if I knew how to spell aesthetic b/c I corrected his spelling of assessed the other day. Idiot. Fuckers.

I just made a bat out of my tortilla. Bye.

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