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2002-01-07 - 9:08 a.m.

Fuck. So, after many phone calls and a phone call to my present employer to call off work today (which left me feeling shitty), I have an interview for the PAS position today at 4. I hope to God I get it... but, they sound pretty desperate so, I'm not sure if that is good. I just sent in my resume last Wednesday, got a phone call from them Thursday and they wanted me to go in on Friday. And, today, they wanted me to go in at 11... told them I couldn't and we set something up for this Friday. But, then they called me back and said they wanted to make a decision by Friday so, I had to interview earlier. Shit... I hope I get this job. But, I hope they don't do things that hastily there all the time. And, they never said anything about writing samples... I guess they still have my portfolio from August? Perhaps I should take another one today, JIC.

Off to study up on my interviewing skills. Gotta learn all of the standard answers...

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