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2002-01-06 - 2:03 p.m.

My Booie's on the radio!!!!!!!!

I love it. Just wish the reception was a bit better... perhaps I can find it online.

It snowed overnight and now it's all messed up b/c it's getting warmer and just WET. I liked it earlier this morning when everything was just white. Not that I don't like black... I mean, look at Booie.

Booie just laughed on the radio.

Went out with Force, Todd, Nikki and Tony last night. We saw Jamie's band, The Simpletons, at Cody's then, hopped on over to Christy's for a drink or two. Nikki was smashed - she was reciting the states in alphabetical order b/c she had to learn them in school. So, I threw out my "be, is, am, are, was, were, been, could, should, would, may, can, might, must, shall, will, do, does, did, have, has, had" list (see? I can do it sober too!) and my drunken version of the French National Anthem - two things I'll never forget from school.

Cleaned everything out from my closet at the 'rents house... now, I have nothing there except my daybed. And, I think I'm just going to give that to Tony and Nikki if we can get it down here.

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