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2002-01-04 - 5:39 p.m.

Whew! What a day. Not too entirely fun listening to everyone's petty reasons why they're returning something... or, how they need another size, etc. "Well, I bought this toilet seat, you see. 'Cause I liked the sea green color of it... you can't find those anywhere. Well, anyway. I was sittin' on it and, see this little screw right here? Here, hold this end of the seat and I'll show you... See? Well, it popped out and went right up my butt. Spent ten minutes diggin' that thing out. So, I figure I just wanna return it and get a new one. But, I think I want the maize one this time b/c it matches the tiny little specks on the doorknob. Do you know how much that one costs?"

"Okay, you little fucker. Go to hell. I've only had two hours of sleep and I've been the only one here since 8 a.m... and, my relief isn't coming until 1:30. Go fuck yourself."

So, I'm drinking beer and doing laundry with Booie tonight. And, dreaming about our new home. And, the fact that I might actually get back into the real world soon. Got a callback from the PAS position. Hope they'll just hire me and we'll go from there. I could care less if it only pays 28 or 29... but, I think it actually pays 36 or 37. THAT would fucking rock and I could finally climb out of this hellhole of debt I've created since August. I swear, if I get this job, I'll pay off all my cards and never use another one again (unless I go on some sort of elaborate vacation - we're talking Italy or Australia here - and, it's just a bit more convenient). No more of this buy gas, food and pay phone bills with my cards crap. Of course, I wouldn't be at the poverty level anymore so, I could actually DO that.

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