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2002-01-02 - 5:54 p.m.

So, it's 2002 and Booie still hasn't fixed this damn keyboard - you gotta punch the spacebar with your lefthand and the back button is on the right... so, forgive me if some letters are chopped off.

We had a blast on NYE - I almost cried when the ball dropped - just to see all of those people having fun in a city that is so wounded... three months ago that couldn't have happened.

Here's what 2001 brought me:

A new car.

A committment to live together with Booie.

A trip to Hueston Woods with Booie to celebrate three years.

Rioting across the street from my place of employment.

Watching the WTC crumble on what was supposed to be a relaxing day off work.

Getting laid off.

Five years since the rape.

Four years since college.

A nice trip to Myrtle Beach with the fam and my grandma.

The realization that my grandma has no clue what's going on anymore.

Approximately 50 more pounds of body weight... still unexplained by 49,000 different doctors.

Here's what I hope 2002 will bring me:

An explanation of the whole body weight thing... and how to get rid of it.

A new job.

A fun birthday/housewarming party on March 16th.

An even better anniversary with Booie in April.

Perhaps another trip to L.A.?

More fun with everyone in my life.

In other news... Vomit's on the dean's list at BG... I can't believe it! I'm so happy he loves college.

Booie's got the first radio gig tonight... it should go well. Don't see why it wouldn't.

That's all...

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