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Yellow shirt, chomping girl is back!

2002-01-03 - 9:32 p.m.

We saw the place today... completely empty. It is HUGE! I cannot wait. It will be ours, ours, ours. I'm glad we went to take another look at it, because now I have the motivation to pack everything up in the next few weeks.

I need a fucking job.

Yellow shirt, gum chomping skinny girl is back at the gym... she's been gone for about six months. I'm assuming she's a student somewhere around here: XU, UC... I'm thinkin' she looks like an XU person. Not sure what those people look like though.

Off to go pick up the Boo from work. Stupid, isn't it? We both have decent cars, and we still choose to drive each other to work every once in a while. Dorks.

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