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2001-12-31 - 7:12 a.m.

So, we went to Cox and Lammers LAST night... in addition to going tonight. We didn't stay long last night... just a couple hours... kind of an h'ors d'oeuvre for tonight.

Today's the last day for a lot of people to do a lot of things: smoke, drink, eat poorly, cheat on their spouses, gamble, etc. I think it's scary that most of those people will eventually "fuck up" and they'll all be doing it at the same time. I wonder if cigarette and booze sales are lower at the beginning of the year... and, at what point do they rise again? THAT would be a fun study to do.

I NEED to apply for that Public Affairs Specialist position again... let's hope they remember me and the great interview we had a few months ago... hopefully, that will get me in the door.

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