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There's a shadow in the sky...

2001-12-30 - 3:00 p.m.

The Booie and I had a fun time with the 'rents and Vomit last night... ate and drank well and then played Scrabble.

I ran yesterday for the first time in ages... I can't believe how much I can feel my muscles today. I love it. Perhaps I'll abandon this whole cross trainer thing and just get back into running. Shit, if I start now, I can train for the Pig. It would be nice to run that again.

Excited for NYE at Cox and Lammers. I guess Tony, Nikki, Force, Todd and Jenni will be there too in addition to all of the other yay-hoo's... should be a good time.

I hate seeing the naked Xmas trees lying on the side of the road, waiting for the trash truck to come and haul them away. Poor trees.

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