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Full of shit

2001-12-19 - 3:35 p.m.

Work is pretty shitty today. Literally. Some asshole brought a plumbing strip or something back - 50 feet of metal covered in shit. I asked him if there was anything wrong with it. "No. It just wasn't what we needed." According to the receipt, they just bought it yesterday. Fuckers. So, I got to take the item and his shit back. I'm still washing my hands obsessively.

Force had an interview today with the Underground Railroad Freedom Center. The same job I applied for. We'll see if she gets it. I want her to so she can hire me. But, I doubt that would even happen. So, I really don't want her to b/c I NEED a fucking job. Not her! She's already got a good job. Just because she hates it doesn't mean she needs a new one!

Had the psycho dreams again last night. This time, we were at band camp or something like that and I kept trying to find a moment to talk to her. But, then these two kids died and they were both hers so, she had to leave. Hmmm... no clue. Other than the fact that I'm a freak.

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