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Xmas Eve Eve Eve

2001-12-22 - 1:55 p.m.

Nothing much to report. Just working in between being sick and prepping for Xmas. I'm excited to go home tomorrow to see Vomit and the 'rents. But, I also don't want it to come b/c then I know it has to end and I just HATE the end of Xmas. I hate December 26th. Thank god for New Years or I'd kill myself... there'd be noting else to look forward to.

Booie's going to be out of town for Valentine's Day and my birthday for the new radio gig Booie's got... so, that's kind of sad. But, I guess it will be okay... we're together every other damn day of the year.

Hmmm... off to scarf down some soup before returning to work.

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