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Welcome home

2001-12-14 - 4:41 p.m.

Skipping my workout again. Fuck it all. Regardless of what I do, I'll still gain five pounds this month so, what the fuck does it matter. I didn't sleep well last night and as Booie says, "Sometimes it's best to just let your body rest", so that's what I'm doing. I'm so excited for Christmas. I get the Eve and the day off! So, my brother and I are going to hang out and probably get drunk again like we did on Thanksgiving. But, it was so much fun... just a little less of a hangover will be fine this time. Especially since we'll be driving the lovely passage of I-75.

So, tonight I'm cooking dinner, doing dishes, doing laundry, forcing Booie to pay bills and chilling with the Booie. Should be a good time. And, I'll start all over tomorrow with the whole working out thing - tomorrow before work. I promise. Off to nap.

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