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Day Two

2001-12-10 - 12:28 p.m.

Today is just another day. Finished working out - what good it'll do, I dunno... can't wait to see the Endocrinologist on the 10th to hopefully (finally) determine why my body decided to grow an extra 70 pounds in a year and a half. No dreams last night. Just perfect calm. Or perfect chaos... it's all the same. Kind of like driving down the road. Erase the little lines and we'd be all over the fucking place. I think it's amazing how painted lines keep us in check and keep us from killing each other. Murder control. That's really what it's all about. Perhaps I'll now strive to do that for a living - a murder control line specialist. Or line-painter-oner... it's all the same.

So, I'm off to the shower and then to work. Fuck work. At least I'm off tomorrow and Wednesday.

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