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Easter and Patriot's Day

2003-04-21 - 11:50 a.m.

Recap of the past few days:

Sunday... oh no, let's not start with Sunday. That's the best day as far as news goes... let's rewind to Friday. Good Friday. It rained or looked like rain all day. I think it is supposed to do that. God won't have it any other way. It always rains or looks like crap on Good Friday. Saturday, I worked and then jetted over to Lammers' howse for a night of drinking and game playing. About an hour after I was there, and just as we sat down to eat, I asked, "Where's your dog?" Lammers told me that Roxy tore the shit out of the throat of the dog next door to him last Tuesday. And, on Friday, Roxy was put to sleep. Bye bye Roxy. Bye bye appetite. We burnt her bed and said goodbye. Then, we played games and I actually stayed awake for everything! Until 2:30 a.m - how amazing. Usually, I just crash on his couch while everything continues on without me... loser, yes. Winner, no. (Yay! The Boston Marathon is on... I hate this. It will make me cry. God. I want to run.) Anyway, back to my weekend... Sunday. Sunday was the best. Home for Easter... time with the fam. Karla was there. She was so fucking stoic I swear she was on lithium. She said nothing to me, told my mom her salad was good and said nothing to my Aunt Debbie. She desperately needs help.

My mom thinks I should definitely look into nursing.

Damn... there are all those runners! I must get my knee fixed. Fucking knee. Asshole knee. They're running... I have to watch now. Bye bye.

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