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Koko is Sad

2003-04-14 - 5:40 p.m.

You know, perhaps I'm depressed. It's 80 degrees out, nice and sunny and I had plans to clean a little today, organize some stuff, workout and do laundry. I've done nothing. Except check my email, look for jobs and check diaryland. I'm even looking for jobs outside of Cincinnati. Because I really think I just want to get away. And not think about it. Anything. Because if I stop and think about it, I'll break down. So, if I just move and start new somewhere else, it will all be okay. But, I don't want to leave my family. But, same thing... if I don't think about it and just do it, it won't hurt so much. I'll just leave everything. Here is my resume if you think you can find a job for me in your town:


August 2001- Present

� Sales Associate

� Communication Captain

� Cross-Merchandising Manager

A Teevee Station

January 2000-July 2001

� Marketing & Development Producer

� FOCUS Producer

� Volunteer Coordinator

A Teevee Station

December 1997-December 1999

� Fill-in Producer: Midday, Weekend, and 10 O�Clock shows

� Writer: Midday, Weekend, and 10 O�Clock shows

� Field Producer

� Century In Cincinnati Co-Producer

A Teevee Station

June 1997-December 1997

� Assignment Desk Editor

� Writer: Weekend and Today Show local cut-ins

� Weekend Videotape Editor

A Teevee Station (internship)

January 1997-May 1997

� Shadowed reporters and field producers

� Learned basic editing techniques

� Learned videography techniques

A Color Guard

November 1996-March 1997

� Co-Director: Arranged and implemented all practices

Attended all performances


Miami University; Oxford, OH

Bachelor of Arts Degree

Major: English/Creative Writing

Special Interest Area: European Cinema

Graduated-May 1997

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